How To Use Script Hacks In Roblox

Apr 22nd, 2013

Instructions Copy and paste into script builder, -Put two names into 'YOURNAME', and 'THE VICTIM' (One of them doesn't have to be you) -This Script Makes two players in your game.

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  1. 1.go on to your roblox account
  2. 3.find a game that says that in the title, then click play
  3. 4.there should be a little box in the bottom left corner of the screen
  4. 6.then, if your on the right game, say 'create/1/local'
  5. doesn't necessarily have to be 1/local, it can be 121/local, create/121/local (that's what I use)
  6. 9.underscore the game, and type in on google any script
  7. 10.for example, search:roblox dragon script pastebin
  8. can be any script, then copy & paste the script on Notepad
  9. 12.the script might say, put your roblox username on 'YOURNAMEHERE'
  10. might say, put your roblox username where mine is
  11. might say nothing because you dont have to type your name in anywhere.
  12. can edit the script to make YOURNAMEHERE or something like that your username on Notepad
  13. 17.then click enter to say the script (obviously)
  14. 19.then say run/(whatever you named it)
  15. 20.and there you go! you just scripted! XD good for you!

How To Use Script Hacks In Roblox