Fnaf World Armor Value

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  • 4Armor-Piercing


Armor in World of Warships is not just a uniform barrier to be pierced (like in World of Tanks), but rather a kind of multi-layered “cake” that covers a number of construction elements and mechanisms, each having specific armoring. A projectile that enters the ship can encounter up to four or five layers of armor and may be stopped or ricochet at each layer. In this regard the developers attempted to adhere to historical realism and simulate all significant layers of armor. The armor tends to be very heavy: on a typical battleship it takes up around 40% of the total displacement of the vessel.

Therefore, battleship designers tried to save some of that weight by placing heavy armor only around the vital parts of the ship: the ammunition and propellant magazines, the propulsion plant, the fire-control, command and communications sections. Most of the other compartments are almost completely unarmored. This approach of providing either total or negligible protection is referred to as 'all or nothing'. In effect, the scheme accepts vulnerability to medium-caliber and high-explosive shells striking the unarmored sections of the hull, in order to improve resistance against the heaviest armor-piercing shells, while at the same time being able to carry a powerful armament and retain useful speed and endurance.

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IJN Yamato magazine explosion

The ship's vital parts are protected by a citadel, which can be visualized as an heavy armored box within the ship which contains the most vital machinery and vulnerable ammunition stores. Although it was desirable for the citadel to be as small as possible, the space enclosed was an important source of reserve buoyancy, and helped prevent the ship from foundering when other compartments had flooded. In game, successfully causing damage to the citadel causes shells to inflict their maximum damage and such damage is the most difficult to repair.

Battleship cross-section

From the citadel box, shafts known as barbettes lead upwards to the ship's main gun turrets and conning tower. The ship's magazines are located in or around the turret barbettes, and contain the main caliber shells, as well as the gunpowder charges. Penetrating the citadel armor around the magazine and detonating the stored ammunition often results in a spectacular one-shot kill.

How can a player know where these important compartments are when he or she fires into the side of an unfamiliar ship? The citadel is rarely any further forward on a ship than her fore-most turret, and likewise rarely any closer to the stern than the aft-most turrets. Most ships citadels have their roof a short way above the waterline and on some the added plating on the side of the ship distinguishes the ships citadel belt (the side armor that protects the citadel) from the casemate belt (with the casemate being the rooms ontop of the citadel that form the deck that the superstructure sits upon). The armor scheme of ships is viewable ingame by expanding the Armor Layout section of the ships parameters found on the right hand side when viewing any ship in port.

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In addition to belt armor, which protects battleships from direct fire, they also have deck armor that protects them from plunging fire -- shells at extreme engagement ranges tend to hit the top of the ship and aerial bombs. However, due to to a large area that would have to be protected, battleships' deck armor is much thinner than the belt armor. As such, shells fired to strike the deck may be able to defeat the armor while those same shells may be incapable of penetrating the side armor of the target vessel.

Damage Saturation

A ship has to be both a military base and a combat vehicle, since it is designed for long autonomous operations. Therefore a significant portion of the ship's interior space is needed for the every-day activities, but has no direct effect on ship's fighting capacity in the critical moments of the battle. A shell that destroyed the ship's laundry room or the galley in an artillery duel would have much less of an effect on combat capability than a shell that hit the magazine or the engine compartment.

That is why, unlike the vehicles of World of Tanks, ships in World of Warships are divided into multiple compartments, each with a different value of hit points (HP). Roughly, the compartments are as follows: bow, stern, citadel, casemate (center part minus the citadel), and the superstructure. The total value of HP for all the compartments is roughly twice the ship's total hit point value ( fighting efficiency): in real life, the ship would be out of battle long before every last portion of it is destroyed. Furthermore, dealing repeated damage to the same part of a ship becomes increasingly inefficient as a ship cannot be sunk by damaging only one compartment of the ship alone (unless that compartment is the citadel). This reduction is called Saturation;

Each section (except the citadel) has two thresholds, where after each one is reached the damage it receives is reduced. The threshold levels for each section of each ship varies.

  • Initially, the ship will receive damage normally. The section starts off clean and gets darker as it takes more damage.
  • Once the first threshold is reached, the damage received is halved. At this stage, the section of the ship is visually blackened. This compartment is now saturated.
  • Finally, once the second threshold is reached the section stops receiving damage exceeding 10% of a shells listed damage. There is no visual difference to the first threshold, you'll only notice that your shells stop doing damage to the section.
  • Regardless of the state of the section, over-penetrations will always deal 10% of listed shell damage and citadel hits will always deal 100% of listed shell damage because the citadel section cannot be fully depleted. Saturation also affects the damage done by torpedoes, but torpedoes will also always deal at least 10% of their maximum damage.
  • Damage from fire, flooding, over-penetration and citadel hits will not reduce any section's HP pool (but they will still reduce the ship's total HP as normal). A section with no HP left may still burn or flood normally and continue dealing damage to the ship.

For a more in-depth explanation please see the full article; Damage Saturation.

HE penetration

Unlike AP shells, the penetration of HE shells does not depend on the impact angle or velocity---rather, each HE shell has a fixed penetration value based upon the calibre of the shell which is compared to the raw thickness of the armor to determine a successful penetration. The formula for calculating this penetration value depends on a penetration coefficient based on the nation and type of ship. The default coefficient is 1/6th of the shell's diameter for most ships, but 1/4th for most British battleships, certain German cruisers, and certain German battleships. Cruisers from Tier VIII-X with caliber of 152-155mm enjoys 1/5th HE penetration. Additionally, Japanese ships with 100mm main and secondary guns have special penetration value of 30 mm.

If the armor is greater than this HE penetration value the shell shatters; if the armor is less or equal this value the shell penetrates. This penetration value can be increased by 25% with the Inertia Fuze for HE Shells (IFHE) commander skill but at the cost of halving the ships base fire chance.[1]

HE coefficients are summarized in the following table:

HE Penetration Coefficient Guns/Ships Affected
30mm specific penetration 100mm Type 98 main guns of Akizuki, Kitakaze, Harugumo
100mm Type 98 Secondary guns of various IJN ships such as Zao, Azuma, Kii & Shikishima
1/4th penetration German Battleship Main Guns
150mm+ German Cruiser Main Guns
128mm+ German Destroyer Main Guns
105mm, 128mm & 150mm German Secondaries
British Battleship Main Guns (except Warspite & Hood)
234mm British Cruiser Main Guns of Cheshire, Drake & Goliath
1/5th penetration 152-155mm Main Guns of Tier VIII-X Cruisers (Including the 155mm guns of CA Mogami)
1/6th penetration All other ships

The formula for calculating the HE penetration value is as follows.

Gun caliber * the penetration coefficient with the result rounded to the nearest mm (.5 rounds up). This resulting value is the armor thickness that a HE shell can penetrate. Instead of multiplying by 1/4 or 1/6, you can instead divide by 4 or 6 as the math is the same. Here are some examples.

127mm Destroyer Example
127mm / 6 = 21.167mm rounded to 21mm which is the highest armor thickness that a 127mm HE shell can penetrate.
A 127mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 21mm thickness or less.

152mm Tier I-VII Light Cruiser Example
152mm / 6 = 25.333mm rounded to 25mm which is the highest armor thickness that a 152mm HE shell from tier I-VII can penetrate.
A 152mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 25mm thickness or less. Roblox hack.exe download.

152mm Tier VIII-X Light Cruiser Example
152mm / 5 = 30.4mm rounded to 30mm which is the highest armor thickness that a 152mm HE shell from tier VIII-X can penetrate.
A 152mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 30mm thickness or less.

203mm Heavy Cruiser Example
203mm / 6 = 33.833 rounded to 34mm which is the highest armor thickness that a 203mm HE shell can penetrate.
A 203mm HE shell will penetrate armor of 34mm thickness or less.

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The formula for calculating the IFHE penetration value is as follows.

If you have a Commander with the IFHE skill, it will add 25% (x1.25) to the HE penetration value of all HE shells on the ship. So while battleship main guns do not benefit from the IFHE skill as a rule (they already have a high HE penetration value), some players will want the IFHE skill for a secondary gun build. The 25% bonus is added to the rounded HE penetration value from the previous formula. The result of the IFHE calculation is always rounded down to find the HE penetration value. Here are some examples.

127mm Destroyer IFHE Example
127mm / 6 = 21.167mm rounded to 21mm. 21mm * 1.25 = 26.25mm rounded down to 26mm.
A 127mm HE shell with the IFHE skill will shatter on 27mm or greater of armor thickness and penetrate armor of 26mm thickness or less.

152mm Tier I-VII Light Cruiser Example
152mm / 6 = 25.333mm rounded to 25mm. 25mm * 1.25 = 31.25mm rounded down to 31mm.
A 152mm HE shell (lower than Tier VIII) with the IFHE skill will shatter on 32mm or greater of armor thickness and penetrate armor of 31mm thickness or less.

203mm Heavy Cruiser IFHE Example
203mm / 6 = 33.833 rounded to 34mm. 34mm * 1.3 = 42.5mm rounded down to 42mm.
A 203mm HE shell with the IFHE skill will shatter on 43mm or greater of armor thickness and penetrate armor of 42mm thickness or less.

HE shell diameter needed to penetrate armor:

  • without IFHE: (armor - 0.5) / (penetration_coefficient)
  • with IFHE: (round_up(armor / 1.25) - 0.5) / (penetration_coefficient)

Example:Shchors has 75 mm of citadel armor. Therefore it would take at least (75 - 0.5) / (1/6) = 6 * 75 - 3 = 447 mm shell diameter to citadel her with HE. With IFHE this decreases to (round_up(75 / 1.25) - 0.5) / (1/6) = 6 * 60 - 3 = 357 mm. British battleships, German cruisers, and German battleships without IFHE can citadel Shchors with 298 mm shells or greater. With the addition of IFHE, such ships can citadel her with shells of at least 238 mm diameter.


Unlike HE, the AP shell does damage only if it penetrates the armor. The fuze of the AP shell is initiated after it passes through armor, and historically the fuze times were calculated in a way that would allow the shell to explode after traveling about ten or so meters after passing through the armor; that way the shell exploded around the middle of the battleship. That means that when AP shells are fired at lightly armored and relatively small target, they might over-penetrate -- explode once they passed through the entire ship, or not even explode, if the shell doesn't encounter enough armor to activate the fuze. Let's illustrate the fuzing concept with the Iowa's AP Mark 8 16 inch projectile. Its Mark 21 Base Detonating Fuze (BDF) had a delay of 0.033 seconds. Fuze activation requires a resistance equal to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) of armor at 0 degrees obliquity or 0.375 inches (1 cm) at 65 degrees obliquity. The muzzle velocity for a new gun and a full charge is 762 meters per second. Therefore, if the shell were to immediately hit an armor plate 1.5 inches thick after exiting the barrel, it would explode 762*0.033 = 25 meters after passing through that armor plate. Most AP shells in game have a fuzing time of 0.033 seconds, but there are shells with as much as 0.1 second fuzing time. As of patch 0.3.1, the armor thickness necessary for AP shell fuzing was as follows (caliber - armor): 410mm - 68mm, 356mm - 59mm, 203mm - 34mm, 155mm - 26mm.

Non-penetrations (bounce/ricochet) will always deal 0 damage, regardless of AP or HE (the latter cannot ricochet). However, HE shells still has a chance to start fires or break modules with its splash damage).

Ricochet angles

Bounce or ricochet angles are stated in reference to the perpendicular, as in the illustration below, that is to say they are relative to a ship being parallel being 0°. The standard angles for AP ricochets are:

  • 90-60° -> auto ricochet (at 90° a ship is completely bow in)
  • 60-45° -> chance to ricochet
  • 45-00° -> ricochet doesn't occur (at 0° a ship is completely broadside)

Ricochet is not always possible; see Overmatch below.

Some ships fires shells that do not conform to standard angles and have 'improved' angles, requiring the target to angle even further from the perpendicular to cause the shells to ricochet.

The following ships have improved angles:

Ship Tier Nation Ricochet Chance Begins Ricochet Guaranteed
Techtree cruisers: Weymouth, Caledon, Danae, Emerald II - V 65° 80°
Techtree cruisers: Leander, Fiji, Edinburgh, Neptune, Minotaur VI - X 60° 75°
Techtree destroyers: Jutland, Daring IX - X 60° 67.5°
Premium battleships: Hood, Duke of York VII 60° 67.5°
USN 203 and 305 mm cruiser shells (Pensacola, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Baltimore, Wichita, Anchorage, Buffalo, Des Moines, Salem, Alaska, Alaska B, Puerto Rico) VI-X 60° 67.5°
Stalingrad X 55° 65°
Tallinn, Riga, Petropavlovsk VIII - X 50° 65°
Tachibana, Tachibana Lima II 91°* 60°
All other ships All All 45° 60°

If an AP shell strikes a target at an angle that causes it to ricochet no damage is dealt and the attacker receives a ricochet ribbon.

*Due to this setting, Tachibana's AP will never ricochet. This is not a bug.

AP Shell Damage

Penetrations deal 33% of the shell's listed damage (less when there is damage saturation). Whether AP or HE, it must penetrate the armor and detonate inside the ship. Over-penetrations deal 10% of the shell's listed damage. Over-penetration is when a shell penetrates the ship through-and-through, before it has a chance to detonate inside the ship. Theoretically HE will never over-penetrate due to its low detonator threshold and shorter fuze. Citadel hits will always deal 100% of the shell's listed damage (though citadel over-penetration is still possible, and will only deal 10% damage). It is impossible to get a citadel hit on a destroyer, as they no longer have them per se (it was removed in 0.2.4/0.3.0).

Special limit:
Damage to a destroyer caused by an AP shell with a caliber of 280 mm or larger cannot exceed 10% of the shell's maximum damage.[2][3]

Properly angling the ship matters a great deal when the enemy is shooting AP shells: when an AP shell encounters armor at an angle, it has to pass a greater amount of armor for penetration. Additionally, at shallow angles to the surface the shell will simply ricochet, even if it might otherwise be able to penetrate. A ricocheting shell may still cause damage, but only to the same ship. For heavy shells vs. thin armor, ricochet cannot occur; see Overmatch below.

There are certain engagement ranges when AP shells will encounter both the belt and the deck armor at fairly large angles, and will have a high probability of either non-penetration or ricochets. The distance at which both plunging fire and direct enemy fire is less effective is called the immunity zone (IZ). Despite the absolutist nature of its name, the immunity zone concept does not imply any sort of invulnerability. A ship fighting within its IZ will still probably suffer when hit, but it is theoretically proof against singularly catastrophic hits to the citadel. (plunging-fire still need more testing, the issue with the capped ranges causing the shells were benefit from it being 'auto-bounce' against deck armor)

Underwater shell trajectory

AP shells can penetrate ship's armor even below the waterline, after traveling through water. The illustration to the right depicts a typical underwater trajectory of an AP shell: (1) - shell enters the water and is fuzed due to rapid deceleration (2) - trajectory angle changed (this happens every time an AP shell hits water) (3) - after a short delay, the fuze explodes the shell. The image also demonstrates two outcomes of an underwater hit: armor penetration, and a ricochet. As of 0.4.1 the underwater hits do not cause flooding.


If the armor thickness is less than 1/14.3 of shell's caliber, a ricochet does not occur regardless of armor encounter angle.See this table for examples.


  1. https://worldofwarships.asia/en/news/game-updates/update-092-european-destroyers/#ifhe-changes
  2. https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/game-updates/update-0711-rule-britannia/#gameplay
  3. https://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/game-updates/update-0911-winter-trophies/#other-changes
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Throughout your adventure in Aeternum, you will get your hands on a wide variety of items. You will collect consumables such as food, drinks, potions, weapon coatings and tinctures as well as armor and weapons. You can also find special crafting resources while slaying creatures or searching through abandoned Settlements, Temples, and Corrupted Camps. Let’shave a look at each of those items.


Food and Drinks

Food and Drink items play an important role in your ability to take on the dangers of Aeternum. Eating and drinking provides slow health regeneration over an extended period of time. If you want to make the most of your short burst of health recovery, we advise you to wait until you are in a safe place before consuming food and drinks. Furthermore, while raw foods and fresh water can be used in a pinch, the way to ensure you are getting the most out of the food in your possession is to cook it at a camp or at a kitchen in a Settlement.

There is a wide variety of cooked food and brewed drinks. When consumed, prepared food and drinks will not only initially heal you, but also provide a longer state of slower health recovery. This recovery is constant, whether you are in or out of combat. Prepared foods provide additional points of Constitution, the attribute that governs your base Health. Additionally, many prepared food and drink items also offer buffs that can increase your defense against certain enemies, enhance your stamina recovery, or even temporarily hone a crafting skill. No matter what you are doing, it is important to have the right food for the task at hand.

Potions and Tinctures

Potions and Tinctures are both small vials of a drinkable substance that grant specific bonuses. For instance, Potions provide a general magical effect that lasts for several minutes. You might drink a Potion to increase the Carry Weight of your inventory or enhance your defense against a particular elemental damage type, such as Lightning.

Conversely, Tinctures take effect instantly and in the majority of cases do not linger in their effect. Health and Mana Tinctures are common examples of this: if you want to quickly recover Health or Mana while in combat, they are the way to go. Tinctures are also used to rid yourself of dangerous poisons or stop yourself from bleeding.

Weapon Coatings

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Weapon Coatings are the key to gaining an advantage in combat against the various creatures of Aeternum. They can be crafted at any camp once you reach the required level. You may also find them as loot on your adventures. Weapon Coatings apply to a weapon and grant it a categorical damage bonus against a particular family of creatures. For instance, applying a Corruption Coating to your weapon will enhance your damage against Corrupted enemies.


Weapons and Armor

While exploring and fighting creatures, you can find and acquire Equipment items that can be immediately used, provided you are at a certain level to be able to equip them. Each equipment item has a few features in common that determine how powerful the item is. The first feature is the item’s Gear Score.

Fnaf World Armor Value Guide

Items with higher Gear Scores are more powerful: the higher the Gear Score is, the more damage the weapon will deal and the more protective the armor will be.

The second is the item’s Perks. An item can drop with up to 3 perks on it. The Perks an item can drop with are pulled from a pool of potential Perks. The same kind of item can function differently depending on which Perks it drops with. Generally, items with higher Gear Scores have the potential to drop with more Perks and/or more powerful versions of those Perks. Items with more perks are rarer than items without, so our rarity definition is based on the number of perks an item has.

  • No Perks: Common

  • 1 Perk: Uncommon

  • 2 Perks: Rare

  • 3 Perks: Epic

The third feature to look for is the item’s Gem Slot. Occasionally, items can drop with an empty Gem Slot. Anyone can socket a gem into an item, but the gemstone must first be cut by a skilled Jewel Crafter. Socketed gemstones cannot be removed, but in the majority of cases they can be replaced. Gemstones enhance one or more of the Character’s core attributes.

Weapons, Armors and other equipment items can have different Perks. Weapon Perks can improve a weapon's stats and even add additional elemental damage to them, while Armor Perks can increase defense against different kinds of damage or add extra pockets to allow you to carry more weight in your inventory.

Armor Weight and Equip Load

Each piece of armor that you wear contributes to your overall Equip Load, which in turn affects your mobility when evading. There are 3 states of Equip Load: Light, Normal, and Heavy. In parallel, there are 3 weight categories of armor: Light, Medium, and Heavy. Wearing all Light armor will keep you in the “Fast” movement state, wearing all Medium armor will place you squarely in the Normal movement state and wearing all Heavy armor moves you into the Heavy movement state.

Lighter armor trends towards more evasive play styles and protection against elemental damage types, while Heavier armors trend towards more stalwart play styles and protection against physical damage types. There is a wide variety of weight variance within a particular weight category.

You can mix and match different armors to get the most effective protection for the movement state you want to stay in, the total weight of the armor is what matters, not the individual pieces. There are even Item Perks that affect an armor’s weight!

Named and Legendary Items

During your adventures in Aerternum, you will find a variety of Named and Legendary items. Unlike regular items, Named and Legendary items have curated Perks and fixed Gear Scores. Some of them even come with pre-socketed gems! While the most reliable way to acquire Named or Legendary items is by engaging with the most dangerous and challenging foes Aeternum has to offer, there are Legendary-level items to be found for players of any level.

Trinkets and Bags

Trinkets provide passive bonuses to the Character’s core attributes. Trinkets can grant additional attribute points to one or more attribute. All trinkets come with a pre-socketed Gem that cannot be replaced. Like weapons and armor, Trinkets have their own subset of Perks that offer benefits unique to Trinkets. Bags increase the amount of weight you can carry in your inventory and have their own set of perks as well!

Crafting Resources

In Aeternum, you will often find a mixture of raw and refined resources while exploring. While the bulk of these resources can also be found naturally occurring in the world, such as wood from trees or ore from veins, some of them can only be obtained in the various supply cachesand coffers found throughout the dilapidated settlements and crumbling ruins that are rife with danger around every turn. The containers you search through may also yield rare and powerful crafting resources, which we’ll go over in an upcoming article dedicated to Crafting.

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To be a successful adventurer, you will need to make wise choices and master all the resources available throughout Aeternum. Be sure to familiarize yourself with Items that come into your possession during your exploration, and be prepared to modify your inventory based on the way you want to play New World.

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Fnaf World Armor Value Items

*Please be advised that all contents discussed in this guide article are subject to change throughout testing.