Copychat Hack Roblox

Bear King Michael Burry in the ring, slappin TSLA with a metal chair. His glass eye open wide with rage as he batters TSLA relentlessly. 'The valuation...' crunch 'makes....' crunch 'NO.... ' crunch 'SENSE!' he roars with maniacal autistic glee. TSLA struggles for the edge of the ring, but coughs blood as each hit lands, and eventually stops moving. Bear King Burry drops the chair. Bear King Burry turns to the crowd 'Was this your champion!? Was TSLA supposed to be your chosen one!?' A child in the crowd turns his face into his mother's side and cries. On the side of the ring WSB can barely move. TSLA was supposed to tag them in, but couldn't make it to the side in time. 'Get up TSLA' WSB whimpers hopelessly, a single tear rolling down their cheek. 'Get up...' Bear King Burry turns to WSB 'Now it is your portfolio's turn. Get in here you little bitch.' 'Excuse me.' Someone replies from behind BKB. 'I believe I can give you the fight you want.' A robed figure is administering smelling salts to TSLA. The figure puts TSLA on its shoulder and carries TSLA gently out of the ring. 'And just who the fuck do you think you are?' BKB rumbles ominously. BKB's fingers squeeze so tightly on the chair that metal bends. 'Who am I?' the robed figure inquires. The robed figure stands straight and stretches to their full height. They must be at least 7' tall. The crowd stops crying and watches in stunned silence. 'Who am I?' The figure repeats menacingly. The figure turns around to face BKB, ripping off his robe. A gleaming light fills the stadium. Before us stands a Golden deity, rippling with muscle. If there is an ounce of body fat it is currently in hiding, only to make way for seemingly endless coiled golden musculature. The figure looks directly into Bear King Burry's eyes. 'I'm Goldman Sachs, and i'm here to kill you.'

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How To Get Hacks Roblox

  • 2Chat Commands

Text Markup[edit | edit source]

The appearance of text can be modified with certain HTML tags. These work on signs as well as in chat.

  • bold = <b>bold</b>
  • italic = <i>italic</i>
  • underlined = <u>underlined</u>
  • strikethrough = <s>strikethrough</s>
  • color
    • <#FF0000>color</color>
    • <color=red>color</color>
    • <#FF000050>color</color> (50% transparency. Last two digits are for opacity, 00-99)
  • subscript = <sub>subscript</sub>
  • superscript = <sup>superscript</sup>
  • <br> — Line break (creates a new text line)
  • <align=left>Alignment</align> — (can align 'center', 'left', or 'right'. Center is default)

Chat Hacks Roblox Script

Icons can also be shown in chat using the item ID. The following example would display the icon for Stone:

  • <ecoicon item='StoneItem'>

Chat Commands[edit | edit source]

This page might contain some outdated information as of version

You can help update it.

Roblox cheats hacks free

NOTICE: This page is in the process of being templated. The chat commands listed below may not accurately reflect the new commands in Eco v0.7.5. Contact wiki editors on the Eco discord for more information.


Roblox Hacks Free

Chat commands can be activated through the chat log by pressing 'enter' (using default key layout).

Use /help to see all chat commands available to you in-game.

Note: '[ ]' indicates a parameter is required. '( )' indicates a parameter is optional

Player Commands[edit | edit source]

Player Chat Commands
/allaccountsDisplay all bank accounts in the game.
/authlevelDisplays your authorization levelReturns 'User', 'Admin', or 'Developer'.
/helpDisplays all the commands avaliable
/listadminsDisplays a list of all administrators.
/mark (waypointname)Drops a waypoint at the current position. Accepts an optional text string for the waypoint./mark
/mark Test Waypoint
Creates unnamed waypoint
Creates waypoint called 'Test Waypoint'
Waypoint can be removed by clicking on it when viewing it in the world and clicking 'Remove'.
/playersReturns a list of online players
/sealevelDisplays the current sea level and how much it has risen.
/testroomCheck the current surroundings to see if it's a room, and if not explain why not.
/thirdpersonToggles Third Person Camera
/titlelistLists all existing titles and info about them.
/unstuckAttempts to unstick your avatar
/unstuckvehicleAttempts to unstick your vehicleCommand that should help when the vehicle for some reason turned around or got stuck. Added in 8.2.6.
/useractivityDisplays a list of users and when they last logged in.
/whatamiView your current skill title
/whoamiShows your user ID

Copy Chat Hack Roblox 2020

Admin Commands[edit | edit source]

If you wish to use admin or developer commands, you must be added as an admin on the server (User->Config->Admins in Windows GUI).

The admin config list, blacklist, and whitelist all use player IDs. You will need to enter the proper ID when editing these lists manually. You are able to use the player's name when running the corresponding commands from inside the game.

Many server changing admin commands are not saved between server restarts. To make them persist between server restarts, change the setting in the server config file.

SLG only accountuse SLG ID
Steam only accountuse STEAMID64
SLG + Steam linked accountuse SLG ID

Warning! Some of the commands might not work as intended! Use all chat commands at your own risk, especially developer commands.

Admin Chat Commands
/admin [player]Adds a user as an Admin/admin EckoGives Ecko admin rights on the server
/allblocksSpawns all blocks
/allconstructedSpawns all player constructable blocks
/allplantsSpawns all plant blocks
/allskillsUnlocks all skillsThe player will receive property claim flags too.
/allterrainSpawns all diggable blocks
/allworldobjectsSpawns all world objectsSpawns from the player's current position in a single line heading East.
/atmAdd atmosphere
/ban [player],(reason)Bans a user/ban Ecko
/ban Ecko,Breaking the rules.
Bans Ecko from the server.
Bans Ecko with the reason: 'Breaking the rules.'
Kicks the player if they are online when they are banned.
/bhopToggles bunny hopping
/buildtechtreeBuilds every worldobject in an appropriate building and fills it with fuelTakes a while to spawn.
/bunnytimeSpawns 100 Hares
/chattestSpam a bunch of stuff to chatUSE WITH CAUTION. This will create 5-10 chat channels and will continue to spam until server is next shutdown/restarted.
/claimrectClaims plots in a given rect centered on the user.
/clearlawsRemoves all active laws
/clearrubble (radius)Clears rubble around the player./clearrubble
/clearrubble 10
/noonSets the world's time to noonWill make it always sunny. This only affects your personal time. Other players will not be affected.
/deletecontract [id]Deletes contacts by id.
/destroyedatmosphereSet the percent of a destroyed atmosphere to display, blended to over a given number of seconds
/destroymeteorDestroys the meteor in orbit.
/dumpRemoves all items from your inventory.
/dumpcarriedRemoves only the items you are carrying in the carry slot.
/dumpselectedRemoves only the currently selected item in your inventory.
/durability (#)Set the durability of the item you are holding/durability
/durability 500
Sets the item's durability to 1.
Sets the item's durability to 500.
Can be set over the item's usual maximum durability. Causes the durability bar to extend past it's usual max limit.
/eatMax your caloriesDoes not affect nutrition.
/fastforwardToggles the fast forward effect on and off.To enable sleeping in beds, you have to edit the server config.
/flyToggles fly modeShift to move faster, can move through objects / ground.
/give [itemname],(amount)Give yourself an item/give Lumber
/give Lumber,10
Gives the player 1 lumber.
Gives the player 10 lumber.
Will not give the player anything that they couldn't hold normally. Won't exceed the player's carrying weight.
/giveskillpoints [player],(amount)Give skillpoints to another player/giveskillpoints Ecko
/giveskillpoints Ecko,100
Gives Ecko 10 skill points.
Gives Ecko 100 skill points.'
/kick [player],(reason)Kicks a user/kick Ecko
/kick Ecko,Breaking the rules
Kicks Ecko from the server.
Kicks Ecko with reason: 'Breaking the rules.'
Only works if the player is online.
/leader (player)Set the leader/leader
/leader Ecko
Elects the commanding player as leader.
Elects Ecko as leader.
The player will be awarded with the same items and powers as if they were elected normally.
/level [x(default=10)],[y(default=10)],[BlockType(default=GrassBlock)]Level the terrain/level
/level 50,50
Spawns an 11x11 plot of grass.
Spawns a 50x50 plot of grass.
Any terrain spawned will reach to the center of the world from whatever height the command was called.
/levelupLearns and levels up a skill and all its prerequisites.
/massinteractUses your currently selected tool on surrounding blocks
/meteorfallBegin the meteor impact sequence
/meteorhitworldlayersTriggers world layers to act as if they were hit by a meteor
/meteorimpactMake the meteor strike instantly
/meteorrain [count],[timeBetween],[radius]Makes meteorites rain down the sky/meteorrain
/meteorrain 20,3,10
Spawn only 1 meteorite
Spawn 20 meteorites with 3 seconds between each meteorite in a 10 blocks radius
/move [x],[y],[z]Moves you to position x, y, z; where xyz are integers.
/noah (count)/noah
/noah 5
Spawns 1 of every animal.
Spawns 5 of every animal.
/noskillsResets all skills to zero
/oneshotKills nearest animal
/openserveruiOpens the server UIOnly works if the server is running in same directory as the client (e.g. single-player).
/ownallClaim all property
/ownnone (player)Revoke your property/ownnone
/ownnone Ecko
Revokes all of your property.
Gives all of your property to Ecko
USE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player.
/passlawsPass all pending laws
/polluteco2Creates x PPM of air pollution
/polluteworldRains tailings from the heavens to ruin the world
/poorbunniesKills all animalsUSE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player.
/recordToggles record modePrevents animals from running from the player. Enables recording mode.
/regenlayerRegenerates a world layer, restoring it to the state it would be in if the world were newly generated
/removeadmin [player]Removes a user as an Admin/removeadmin EckoTakes away Ecko's admin status
/repairallroomsReinitialize all rooms that have broken and don't contribute to the housing score.
/repopulateRegenerates eco population
/setpowercostReduces power consumption of all existing objects within a given radius to passed value (defaults zero).
/setreputation [player],(reputation)A command to set the user's reputation/setreputation Ecko
/setreputation Ecko,10
Sets Ecko's reputation to 0.
Sets Ecko's reputation to 10.
/setreputationrelative [target player],[source player],(reputation)Set the user's reputation relative to another
/setspawnChanges the spawn location you your current locationThe spawn location set by this command is not saved between server restarts. To make it persist between server restarts, change the spawn location in the server config file.
/shuffle (x),(y)
/skillpoints (amount)Give yourself skill points/skillpoints
/skillpoints 50
Gives the commanding player 10,000 skill points.
Gives the commanding player 50 skill points.
/skillrate (rate)Displays or sets the current skill rate multiplier/skillrate
/skillrate 2
Displays the current skill rate.
Chnages the current skill rate to 2.
Announces changed skill rate to everyone on the server.
/spawnanimal (species),(count)Spawns a number of animals/spawnanimal
/spawnanimal Wolf
/spawnanimal Elk,10
Spawn a Hare.
Spawns a Wolf.
Spawns 10 Elk.
/spawnbedSpawns a bed in a house and puts you to sleep.
/spawnbuilding (building type(0-5)),(x),(y),(z),(roof type(0-2)),(windows(true-false))Spawns a building/spawnbuilding 4,10,5,10,1,1Spawns a Corrugated steel building 10 wide, 5 high, 10 long, flat roof, with windowsFor building type: 0=log, 1=mortared stone, 2=lumber, 3=brick, 4=corrugated steel, 5=concrete. For rooftype: 0=block roof, 1=flat roof, 2=pointed roof. For windows: 0=no windows, 1=windows
/spawncraftingCreates a craft setup where output from one thing is input to another.
/spawncraterCreate a crater at the current position
/spawneconomyAttempts to build an economyUSE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player.
/spawnfullstockpileGenerate a full stockpile
/spawnlasersSpawns the end-game lasers and power supplies, and drops thier power needs.
/spawnmeteorSpawns a meteor into orbit, regardless of current disaster settings.
/spawnplant (species),(count)Spawns a plant or plants in a row with increasing ages/spawnplant
/spawnplant Tomato
/spawnplant Beet,10
Spawns a Birch tree.
Spawns a Tomato plant.
Spawns 10 Beet plants.
/spawnroad (length), (width), (road type)Spawns a roadRoad type Dirt by default only use length for Dirt Road, 1=Stone, 2=Concrete. will spawn up hill ramps, does not spawn downhill, only single block drop.
/spawntech (tech level 1-4)Spawns 4 buildings and road/spawntech 1Spawns a road and four log buildings with crafting stations (Workbench, Research Table, Wainwright Table and Carpentry Table) in them. Also gives all players 200 Skill Points.Tech level changes by building type. 1=wood, 2=Brick, 3=CRASHS GAME 4=Steel
/spawnvillage [building type(0-5)],[quantity]Spawns a village/spawnvillage 2,3spawns 3 lumber buildingsFor building type: 0=log, 1=mortared stone, 2=lumber, 3=brick, 4=corrugated steel, 5=concrete.
/steamsale (amount)Give every player an amount of money/steamsale
/steamsale 40
Gives each player 1000.
Gives each player 40.
Gives each player the amount for each currency on the server.
/targetowner (player)Change owner of current target/targetowner
/targetowner Deantwo
Changes ownership of target vehicle to you.
Change ownership of the target vehicle to Deantwo.
change ownership of a targeted vehicle. Aim and the vehicle and use the command. Specify a player if wanting to change its ownership to someone else.
/tax (amount)Tax all players an amount of money/tax
/tax 40
Taxes all players for 1000.
Taxes all players for 40.
Taxes each player the amount for each currency on the server.
/teleport (x),(y),(z)Teleport to an xyz coordinateActs just like /move. The y parameter has no effect.
/teleportplayer [player]Teleport to a player/teleportplayer EckoTeleports you to Ecko.
/testcontractsCreates a contract board and creates a LOT of random contracts.USE WITH CAUTION. May crash server / kick player.
/trampleTramples the surrounding groundUSE WITH CAUTION. May cover entire world.
/unclaimUnclaim the plot you're standing onDoes not return property claim flags.
/unclaimabandoned [number]Unclaims land plots owned by players that havent logged in for a given number of days./unclaimabandoned 1Unclaims all land plots owned by players who last logged in 24 hours ago or more.Use /useractivity to check how long users have been absent.
/vomitEmpties your stomachNote: Only emptying calories (7.2.5)
/warnuser [player],(message)Sends a warning to a player/warn Ecko
/warn Ecko,Don't do that!
Sends a warning to Ecko.
Sends Ecko a warning with the message: 'Don't do that!'
Only works if the player is online.
/whatamiView your current skill title
/whitelist [player]Adds a user to the whitelist./whitelist EckoAdds Ecko to the whitelist.
/whois [player]Shows the user ID of the requested user./whois EckoDisplays Ecko's user IDThis displays the proper ID to use for admin list, blacklist, and whitelist
/work (calories)Spends calories/work
/work 200
Spends all of your calories.
Spends 200 calories.

Developer Commands[edit | edit source]

Developer Chat Commands
/dummySpawns a dummy avatar
/exceptionalThrows an exception, very useful
/getpathtoitemGets the resources needed to craft something
/iodideSet radiation dose to 0
/irradiateMax out player radiation dose
/lastplayeronearthKills all spawned dummys
/listunobtainableitemsLists the items that cannot be crafted from some set of other items. Note that many of these are not meant to be crafted, e.g. hips and stone
/metimeSpawns a clone of your avatar
/resettutorialResets the tutorial, including record of given items (which menu option does not do)
/spawnbedSpawns a bed in a house and puts you to sleep.
/spawnspeciesSpawns a given species near the player, defaulting to a cedar
/teleporttargetTeleports otherPlayer to an xyz coordinate
/teleporttargetplayerTeleports player A to player B
/toggle [uiName]Toggles the show state of a UI, by UI prefab name

Gallery[edit | edit source]

  • Beta v7.5.1 Developer and User commands

  • Beta v7.5.1 Admin commands

  • Beta v8.2.8 User commands

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